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Each of these services is worth its weight in gold during the time you need them.

Let's chat about roles for each one.

Counseling is a separate service profession from coaching. Therapy focuses on healing from the past or current trauma. It can generate action steps to help the healing process. Coaching is the opposite. It focuses on action and occasionally generates a level of healing. Even though my expertise isn't in counseling, I have a variety of resources in my network to guide you toward a professional. With that said, you can absolutely work with a coach if you are also in therapy.

Coaching is a partnership with clients in a thought-provoking process to generate your maximum potential personally and professionally. It's curious, playful, serious, deep, and above all transformational. Certification programs come in all shapes and sizes. As an RN, I chose to get my initial certification through Wellcoaches before sitting for the national board certification through the NBHWC. (I'm nerdy like that!) Coaches work in a variety of niches. My heart is in helping mamas with time-starved schedules invest in themselves to create a sustainably healthy lifestyle.

A consultant is an expert. People work with consultants when they require that expertise to create solutions for them. (Think a personal stylist or The Home Edit) It's someone else telling you the solution. As a coach, I believe that you are the expert! You're creative and you've had life experiences that are challenging you to live your life with purpose. As the master of your ship, you can generate savvy solutions. As a coach, my role is to co-create and support your vision.

Save this for later as a reminder of who you need in your corner.

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