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Have you ever considered how compelling it is to choose what you 'want' over what you 'need'?

For example, you know quality sleep is vital to a healthy lifestyle but it's so easy to get sucked into 'one more episode' after the kids go to bed.

How does choosing needs over wants relate to courage for moms?

Courage is getting curious.

It's asking yourself the hard questions regardless without holding any judgment.

Ask yourself these questions about various areas in your life:

-What are you truly scared of?

-Are you holding on to something you need to let go of?

-If not now, then when?

-What are you willing to do right now?

-What are the barriers that are keeping you from creating peace in this part of your life?

-What struggle do you google at night?

-What is missing in my life?

Now that you've taken the time to consider what you need in these areas of life, now it's time to DREAM!!

Dare: Dream big! Choose the area that you feel the most energy and passion around. The sky is the limit, find a quiet space and be courageous enough to dream about that area in detail.

Remove obstacles: Life happens, things get in the way, kids get sick, the babysitter can't make it... Figure out what could potentially get in your way and get creative with workarounds.

Energize: Get hyped about this personal commitment! Close your eyes, smile, take a deep breath and really visualize yourself walking intentionally in this new you. What does it feel like? Where do you feel the most confidence? Who are you greatest supports? What can you do now, that you couldn't before? What are you the most proud of accomplishing?

Allow space to grow/learn: A growth mindset involves anticipating setbacks and allowing yourself to see the opportunity to grow in that space. Give yourself space to commit to one goal at a time (two max).

Multiply: Sweet! Once you've personally committed to your plan and you're walking in your goal(s) consistently. You have a track record of putting yourself first and prioritizing yourself. It's time to add on another layer. Refer back to your original ideas related to health, relationships, finances, etc. What feels like another audacious goal? Where do you feel the strongest pull? Go through the steps of DREAM-ing and solidify your plan of attack.

Maybe you could use a little more help creating a plan that you feel confident in accomplishing. Let's talk!

You are worthy of the life you desire. I would love to be your guide on the side to achieve them. Here's a link just for you to my personal calendar for a FREE strategy session.

You're ready, let's do this!

All the best,


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